posted by Bros Welding |
April 24, 2019 12:02
This week we’re talking all about staying safe while welding.

There are a number of potential health and safety hazards when it comes to welding, including exposure to chemicals, fire and explosion risk, arc flash, and electrical shock. The shop can be a dangerous place if you’re not vigilant about implementing and following safe welding policies and procedures. Which is why you’ll see this topic come up regularly on the blog. Today’s post will talk about general safety hazards and ways to mitigate the risks in the welding shop.
Safety Hazards in the Welding Shop
Exposure to fumes, gases, and chemical dust is a common hazard in welding shops. Overexposure to these substances can cause serious health problems. Taking time to properly set up a workspace and use suitable protective equipment is the best way to avoid damaging exposure. This can include ensuring there is proper ventilation and using equipment such as respirators designed for the type of work being performed.
Many of the substances in a welding shop also pose a risk for fire and explosion. There is potential to ignite a substance from the high temperatures of the welding arc itself and from the sparks, which can spatter up to 35 feet. A pre-check of the work area is crucial to determine if there are flammable materials located nearby. It is also important to know where fire exits and fire extinguishers are located in the case that a fire is ignited.
Arc flash poses a risk of burns from exposure to UV-radiation coming from an electric welding arc. This radiation can impact eyes and skin that is not properly protected. Using the proper protective equipment is important in preventing arc flash. This includes apparel, gloves, and helmets that protect welders from flash hazards.
Arc welding also poses the potential threat of electrical shock. Welders should ensure that their electrode holders and cables are properly insulated, and that they are wearing dry gloves and clothing which are in good condition. A rubber mat can also improve insulation and reduce the risk.
Other Steps for Ensuring Safety
Welding safety starts outside the shop with effective education, training, communication and habits. Having safety policies and procedures in place, communicating these and their importance to employees, and practicing safe habits daily are important parts of maintaining safety in a welding shop. Everyone working within the shop should be aware of hazards and have the proper tools for approaching the job in the safest way possible. Making these a central part of your operations will help keep everyone safe and healthy on the job.
posted by Bros Welding |
March 14, 2017 09:00
Where can I find some general guidelines for welding ventilation? What types of ventilation can be used to remove air contaminants from a welder's breathing zone? What are some examples of Local Exhaust Ventilation? The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety answers these questions and more on their website:

posted by Bros Welding |
April 19, 2015 15:37
What are some tips for a good working posture while welding? What is an example of a standing workbench design? What is an example of a seated workbench design? The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety answers these questions and more on their website:

posted by Bros Welding |
September 29, 2014 06:08
Over the past few months, Bros Welding has been working hard on shop construction for the new shop located in Lanigan, Saskatchewan. We've made a lot of progress since our last blog post in April!
The structure is erect and this weekend consisted of laying down the rebar and finish installing the last few panels of tin for the roof. We couldn't have made as much progress as we did this weekend without the help of our family that drove down from Manitoba to help.
Stay tuned for more detailed progress updates and pictures soon!

posted by Bros Welding |
May 19, 2014 19:59
We are always excited to showcase our projects at Bros Welding & Services, Ltd. Here is a grain handling installation project that was completed in Fall 2013.
Bros Welding installed a new leg and bulk weigher for loading CN train cars at PulseLink Ltd., a lentil seed cleaning plant located in Zealandia, Saskatchewan. The unit was certified after the installation so lentils can now be shipped to companies outside of PulseLink Ltd.

The stairs and walkway in the photo below were designed and custom made by Bros Welding for the leg and bulkweigher project.

The grain handling installation project was started in mid-July 2013 and was finished in October 2013. As a result of the project, PulseLink Ltd. has the ability to load 8 to 9 train cars per day which is up from an average of 4 per day before the installation.
posted by Bros Welding |
April 3, 2014 21:41
Spring is here (well, we all hope it is soon!) and the crew at Bros Welding is gearing up to continue shop construction at our new location near Lanigan, Saskatchewan. We are excited to share pictures and updates of our progress this spring and summer! Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for updates!
posted by Bros Welding |
February 3, 2014 15:17
This month, we celebrate Bros Welding & Services, Ltd.’s six year anniversary!
It is hard to believe how far the business has come since we first opened our doors in 2008. I still remember how nervous I was, being a first-time business owner and a new resident in the town of Rosetown, Saskatchewan. With the support of my family and a lot of hard work and dedication, we’ve been able to not only sustain but grow the company in the six years since the start of this venture.
This year will be an exciting one for Bros Welding: a new shop location to be opened in 2014, continued job opportunities for Journeyperson Welders and labourers in Saskatchewan, and a new service line to be announced before the end of the year. I expect there to be a few other adventures along the way, and I look forward to every minute of it!
As we celebrate another year, I want to take the opportunity to thank my clients. We appreciate every opportunity provided to us and thrive on the challenges that continue to be thrown our way. I also want to thank my employees for their hard work and commitment to Bros Welding. Finally, I want to thank my family because without them, Bros Welding would not be where it is today.
posted by Bros Welding |
December 30, 2013 18:26
Bros Welding & Services, Ltd. is looking for 3rd Year and Journeyperson Welders to work near Rosetown, Saskatchewan and periodically throughout the province. Successful applicants must be able to work independently and willing to travel. For more information, contact
To apply, email your cover letter and resume to or mail to PO Box 1660 Rosetown, Saskatchewan, S0L 2V0 no later than Friday, January 10, 2014.
Bros Welding & Services, Ltd. is a family owned and operated company that was established in 2008 in Rosetown, Saskatchewan.
posted by Bros Welding |
December 11, 2013 17:23
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a great section on their website that covers welding safety hazards.
I strongly recommend that anyone considering welding review this website before picking up the torch. The OHS website covers important topics such as personal protective equipment that can be used when welding. In the upcoming months, we will expand on this topic with some more of our own Bros Welding safety tips!
posted by Bros Welding |
November 23, 2013 13:04
As we move into the winter months, it is important to be prepared for the harsh Saskatchewan temperatures that often dip below 30 degrees Celsius.
Clothing: Invest in winter clothes that are made to withstand low temperatures. As a welder, you must also ensure that any winter outerwear that is worn while welding is fire retardant. Purchase steel toed boots that are made for winter. Don’t forget accessories such as gloves and headgear to protect your ears and keep your head warm.
Vehicles: It’s important to take the extra time to ensure that your vehicle is tuned up to avoid any unexpected issues when on the road in winter. To be prepared for any potential issues, all vehicles should be equipped with a roadside emergency kit which should include matches, candles, heat packs and blankets.
Shovelling: Keep the walkways clear but always consider safety when you are shovelling. Shovelling and using salt, sand or other substances with ice melting properties will help reduce the potential for slip and fall incidents, which can and do cause serious injuries.
For additional winter driving tips, visit: