posted by Bros Welding |
April 24, 2019 12:02
This week we’re talking all about staying safe while welding.

There are a number of potential health and safety hazards when it comes to welding, including exposure to chemicals, fire and explosion risk, arc flash, and electrical shock. The shop can be a dangerous place if you’re not vigilant about implementing and following safe welding policies and procedures. Which is why you’ll see this topic come up regularly on the blog. Today’s post will talk about general safety hazards and ways to mitigate the risks in the welding shop.
Safety Hazards in the Welding Shop
Exposure to fumes, gases, and chemical dust is a common hazard in welding shops. Overexposure to these substances can cause serious health problems. Taking time to properly set up a workspace and use suitable protective equipment is the best way to avoid damaging exposure. This can include ensuring there is proper ventilation and using equipment such as respirators designed for the type of work being performed.
Many of the substances in a welding shop also pose a risk for fire and explosion. There is potential to ignite a substance from the high temperatures of the welding arc itself and from the sparks, which can spatter up to 35 feet. A pre-check of the work area is crucial to determine if there are flammable materials located nearby. It is also important to know where fire exits and fire extinguishers are located in the case that a fire is ignited.
Arc flash poses a risk of burns from exposure to UV-radiation coming from an electric welding arc. This radiation can impact eyes and skin that is not properly protected. Using the proper protective equipment is important in preventing arc flash. This includes apparel, gloves, and helmets that protect welders from flash hazards.
Arc welding also poses the potential threat of electrical shock. Welders should ensure that their electrode holders and cables are properly insulated, and that they are wearing dry gloves and clothing which are in good condition. A rubber mat can also improve insulation and reduce the risk.
Other Steps for Ensuring Safety
Welding safety starts outside the shop with effective education, training, communication and habits. Having safety policies and procedures in place, communicating these and their importance to employees, and practicing safe habits daily are important parts of maintaining safety in a welding shop. Everyone working within the shop should be aware of hazards and have the proper tools for approaching the job in the safest way possible. Making these a central part of your operations will help keep everyone safe and healthy on the job.